International Beer Day 2019

International Beer Day 2019 

Today, International Beer Day is being celebrated across the world, in over 200 cities and 80 countries, including South Africa.

It was founded twelve years ago, in Santa Cruz, California and has been celebrated annually ever since then on the first Friday of August.

This celebratory day provides an opportunity for people to enjoy beer and to recognise those responsible for producing and serving beer across the world. 

The founders of International Beer Day have put together a guide on how best to mark the day, which includes the following activities:

  1. Get together with your friends and drink beer;
  2. Locate your nearest International Beer Day event and join the celebrations;
  3. Give and receive the gift of beer;
  4. Try new beers; and 
  5. Show your appreciation for brewers and bartenders.

Over and above the popular beers produced by Heineken and South Africa Breweries, there are over 200 breweries across the country producing 100’s of different of craft beers. 

Why not commemorate International Beer Day 2019 by trying a beer you have never had before? 

It is also a day to recognise the major contribution the South Africa brewing industry makes towards job creation in our country – providing 1.4% of national employment in 2018 and supporting between 146 000 and 211 000 jobs between 2015 and 2018. 

Finally, we encourage you to use International Beer Day as a test run for South African National Beer Day (#SANBeerDay) that will be celebrated on 1st of February 2020. 

The Beer Association of South Africa will be working with its member companies over the next few months to dramatically ramp up the planned activities and events for #SANBeerDay 2020.

So, we encourage you to watch this space!