Keep Calm and Drink Beer Responsibly

The beer industry has been working closely with government to prepare for the resumption of liquor sales when the country moves to level 3 of the lockdown on 1 June 2020.

Under level 3 all licensed premises, including liquor stores, bars, taverns and micro-breweries are allowed to sell alcohol from Monday to Thursday, 9am-5pm. Off-consumption only.

While this is great news for the beer industry, which supports 250 000 livelihoods, and for beer drinkers across the country, we need to continue playing our part in slowing the spread of Covid-19.

So, let’s enjoy beer responsibly, smartly and safely by following these tips:

– When visiting a liquor outlet, make sure you are wearing a mask at all times, be patient when waiting in queues and keep your distance from other people;

– Where possible try to visit your liquor outlet alone, to reduce the number of people in queues and inside stores.

– Try to avoid visiting liquor outlets by finding alternative ways to buy your beer such as buying online and getting it delivered or purchasing from an outlet that does curbside deliveries. Click here for a list of breweries and stores offering online sales.

– If you can wait, delay your visit to a liquor outlet for later in the week to avoid the initial rush on 1 June 2020.

– Only buy what you need and enjoy your beer at home.

– If you plan to share your beer with someone else in your household, don’t drink directly from the beer bottle. Divide your beer into separate glasses.

Now more than even, we need show that we can drink beer responsibly, so we keep our communities safe during the lockdown. So, let’s keep calm and drink beer responsibly.

#ResponsibleTogether #BeerSouthAfrica